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TUSUR Received a Delegation from China – Gennady Kobzev, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation,…
Опубликовано 10 мая, 11:00

TUSUR Received a Delegation from China

TUSUR has received visitors from a large recruitment agency from Jinan, Shandong Province, as part of its SEA cooperation activities. Tomsk will be one of the first regions in Russia to partner with the Chinese company. The purpose of the visit was to get to know TUSUR, see its dormitories and the city.

Gennady Kobzev, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, represented TUSUR at the meeting with the new partners from Shandong Green River Education Consulting, Jinan, who wish to promote the educational services of Tomsk universities, including TUSUR, in China. He emphasized that the goal of the partnership will be to promote all Tomsk universities, as TUSUR oversees the Tomsk Regional Project for Education Export. Shandong Green River Education Consulting is authorized by their national and provincial governments to facilitate the international activities of Shandong Province universities. “We have discussed our interest in joint 2+2 and 3+1 Bachelor programs and a joint Master program. Our guests have also expressed an interest in our postgraduate programs. Hopefully, in the nearest future we are going to welcome many talented students from China at our university,” he said.

Sun Zengjian, Managing Director at Shandong Green River Education Consulting said: “Tomsk and its universities have a good reputation internationally, including in China. The reason for our visit is that there is a high demand among our students for a high-quality Russian education. Our goal here as their representatives is to visit local universities, meet their people and see for ourselves what they are like, so that we could then be confident in recommending Tomsk as a study destination for our students and colleagues.”
